It took some time: “Under Piles of Clothes” is A Pale Son’s second longplayer and it was supposed to happen so very differently. Originally intended to be a jolly revolving door with lots of contributions from all his Berlin music mates, this plan was abruptly derailed by the pandemic. As it wasn’t an option to gather a bunch of people at his Substandardland studio, it was again up to his trusted electric friends to finish the job.
In order to make up for the lack of that multiple set of extra hands, A Pale Son changed his working methods: More performances, ambience mics, and striving for the spontanous take. Extra amps, a plethora of quirky guitars and other instruments, including some he hardly knew how to play …
The result is a strong mesmerising narrative in 10 songs – intimate, personal but at times not afraid of the big refrain you can’t help whisteling all day long. “Under Piles of Clothes”, well, there is a marvelous mess. Start digging yourself.

A Pale Son
Listen to "White Fence"